Contribution factors for consideration

Listing the different contribution factors that will be considered for each funding contribution approach

The methodology used for this approach comparison is documented separately.

Contributor participation time required

  • Description - How long does it take for a contributor to make suggestions and participate in the funding process when suggesting knowledge, priorities, ideas or themselves as a contributor.

  • Maximum score - 5, Very important. The longer it takes for someone to try and participate in the funding process and contribute to an ecosystem the less likely it is for someone to participate. This becomes even more likely if that initial contribution effort is not compensated.

  • Scoring questions - How long does it take for a contributor to make contributions to the priority, idea or contributor processes involved in funding? Do they need to spend extra time on other less relevant areas for them to participate?

  • Scoring - Low time required is good (Score - 5. High time required is bad (Score - 1).

Contribution complexity

  • Description - A funding process wants to avoid being too complex for someone to make useful contributions. Contributions could be creating or helping with emerging priorities or ideas or instead helping with the execution of ideas.

  • Maximum score - 5, Very important. The higher the complexity is for people to contribute to a funding process the harder it becomes for people to make potentially impactful contributions.

  • Scoring questions - How easy is it for someone to suggest priorities, ideas or execution approaches? What amount of information and context is required for someone to contribute to any of the funding areas?

  • Scoring - Lower complexity is good (Score - 5). Higher complexity is bad (Score - 1).

Contribution expressiveness

  • Description - Contribution expressiveness means people should be able to contribute the full range of potential suggestions that correspond to the type of value and involvement they want to provide. Contributors could express themselves and create impact in an ecosystem in many ways, the funding process can either help to enable or prevent some or all of these different types of contribution.

  • Maximum score - 5, Very important. Every contributor can have a different set of preferences and capabilities in how they would like to help support an ecosystem. Adopting an expressive approach to contribution will allow them to contribute in the exact way they want to. This maximises the chance that contributors will get involved as they aren’t being forced to make contributions to areas they aren’t interested in doing.

  • Scoring questions - How do contributors suggest priorities, ideas or execution approaches? What flexibility does the approach give people for contributing in multiple ways that could be beneficial to an ecosystem?

  • Scoring - Higher expressiveness is good (Score - 5). Lower expressiveness is bad (Score - 1).

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