Owned ideas with distributed decisions


Owned ideas with distributed decisions are when the ideas are still owned by the creators of the idea however some or many of the decisions concerning the operation and execution of the idea have been distributed to community members.

Low clarity of vision complexity (Score - 4)

The owners of the idea could still have full control over the idea under this approach however some parts of the governance could have been pushed towards the community. For instance prioritisation or contributor selection could have become on-chain votes. Inviting more community members to participate in setting the direction of an idea can lead to higher complexities for that community to come to consensus around direction.

Low governance decision complexity (Score - 4)

Governance decisions could be made by the idea owners or by the community under this approach. Some or many of the decisions could have been directed towards the community which would increase the complexity of governance but would also make the process more inclusive and representative of the communities preferences. In these situations the idea owners may still hold admin keys and the authority to revoke certain processes if they are not functioning well as the idea is still ultimately owned by the creators.

Low change of leadership flexibility (Score - 2)

The community and other contributors involved in the execution of an owned idea would still not be able to change the leadership under this approach as it is still fixed. If certain decisions have been pushed to the community there could however be some flexibility for an ecosystem to influence the prioritisation and contributors involved in the execution of an idea.

Moderate contributor participation flexibility (Score - 3)

If processes around contributor selection and prioritisation get pushed towards community decision making the ability for different contributors to participate will increase. Distributing the decision making also makes it easier for a wider range of the community to participate in governance. This participation flexibility is limited to the decisions that have been distributed and is also reliant on the leadership not revoking those processes and decision making in the future.

High openness of execution outcomes risks (Score - 2)

If the owned idea is competing as a business opportunity there is a much higher risk that some or all of the contribution outcomes are not made publicly available. If there is source code or proprietary information that gives a team an advantage in the market they are less likely to share that publicly for the good of the community as this would reduce or remove their advantage. This risk could be reduced somewhat through distributed decisions as if community members interested in numerous similar ideas are able to contribute towards these ideas they might be able to generate an increased amount of openness for any contribution outcomes they help generate.

Total score = 15 / 25

Last updated