Idea cost factors for consideration

The methodology used for this approach comparison is documented separately.

Idea cost budgeting complexity

  • Description - Contributors will need to plan and justify the costs that are involved with the execution of an idea that are outside of the contribution effort costs.

  • Importance score - 5, Very important. When and how idea costs get selected and distributed can have a big influence on the budgeting complexity that contributors need to handle. The approach could also result in increasing administrative burden when submission efforts and governance decisions might need to be duplicated.

  • Scoring questions - How much idea cost planning needs to be done upfront? How complex could it be for a contributor to determine accurate costings?

  • Scoring - Low complexity is good (Score - 5). High complexity is bad (Score - 1).

Idea cost change complexity

  • Description - Where and when idea related costs can be requested can influence how complex it is for adding new idea costs or making changes to existing costs.

  • Importance score - 5, Very important. During the execution of ideas a number of new costs could emerge or changes to existing ones due to new information and changing factors and environments.

  • Scoring questions - How can new costs be requested from the funding process? How can existing costs be amended or returned? What effort does a contributor need to make future requests?

  • Scoring - Low complexity is good (Score - 5). High complexity is bad (Score - 1).

Voter expressiveness

  • Description - Where idea costs get handled will determine how expressive the governance process is for enabling voters to share their exact preferences in their decisions.

  • Importance score - 5, Fairly important. A voter may fully endorse an idea and support its execution but may disapprove of the idea related costs that have been budgeted for. Enabling voters to express this helps to ensure ideas costs can be reconsidered and improved when other options or approaches for handling a certain cost might be more suitable.

  • Scoring questions - How easy is it for voters to express their exact preferences when it comes to supporting or rejecting the idea costs being requested? Can voters support an idea and not support the costs involved in that idea?

  • Scoring - High expressiveness is good (Score - 5). Low expressiveness is bad (Score - 1).

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